Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Philosophy And Science Of Caring - 1447 Words

Abstract Caring is a term that is very essential to nursing practice. It is a science and an art that is practiced and perfected by nursing professionals. Jean Watson is a well-known American theorist that created the Philosophy and Science of Caring. Caring in nursing is the important connection between the nurse and the individual that seeks care. Watson’s theory of caring is based on the concept of human relationships and consists of carative factors that should embody the nurse. This paper will take a closer look at the theory of caring and explore the dimensions of how it applies to nursing practice. Caring is one of the fundamentals of nursing encompassed in clinical and educational practice and assists in providing positive patient outcomes. The philosophy and science of caring is a theory that focuses on the act of human caring and the relationships that are affected between the nurse professional and the patient. Dr. Jean Watson is the nursing theorist who is responsible for the Philosophy and Science of caring theory. This theory is very important to nursing practice because it empowers the individual providing care and offers a very approachable philosophy on the importance of caring in health care. This writer also finds the theory very relatable in her nursing practice and aspirations as a future Nurse Practitioner and researcher to aid in improving various aspects of nursing issues prominent in nursing practice. This paper will discuss the nursing theoryShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy And Science Of Caring941 Words   |  4 PagesJean Watson introduced her first publish ed book Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring (1979) more than 30 years ago. 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