Friday, December 27, 2019

Holden Caulfields Mental Condition in The Catcher in the...

Where do the ducks go during the Winter when the water is frozen? In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the character, Holden Caulfield, has an underlying mental condition. He failed out of four schools; he saw his friend commit suicide; and his younger brother died of cancer. These life-changing experiences paved the way for Holden’s insecure and unstable life. By his narration, Holden hints at his disorder throughout the book without fully explaining his condition. Holden’s many insecurities, his teetering on the edge of childhood and adulthood, and his irrational ideas help the reader realize that Holden has a mental problem. Holden has several insecurities that are displayed throughout the book that hint at his condition.†¦show more content†¦Holden’s date with Sally Hayes exhibited his difficulty at cooperating with others. At first he gives us a dire impression of Sally, â€Å"I wasn’t too crazy about her, but I’d known her for years.† (p. 105) Later, he wants to marry Sally and says he is in love with her. The biggest mystery of all when it comes to women is with Jane Gallagher. Constantly mentioning Jane, Holden recalls playing checkers with her before he got sent to boarding school. When his roommate, Stradlater, has a date with Jane, Holden asks him a peculiar question, â€Å"Did you ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row?† (p. 42) Holden, jealous of Stradlater’s date with Jane, longs to see Jane but never has the courage to call her. Interactions with other people especially women perplex and overwhelm Holden. He therefore resorts to isolation, illustrating a characteristic of his mental state. In the course of the story, Holden is suspended between adulthood and childhood. Several of his actions and words show evidence of his confusion between adults and children. Admitting to his immaturity, Holden says, â€Å"I was sixteen then, and I’m seventeen no w, and sometimes I act like I’m about thirteen.† (p. 9) Sunny, the prostitute is an example of Holden’s attempt to be an adult, but realizing he is stuck in childhood. Another example is when he asks his cab driver where the ducks in Central Park go during the Winter when the ice isShow MoreRelatedTheme Analysis of Alienation in Books the Catcher in the Rye and 19841390 Words   |  6 Pagesin its modern form with Marx. For Marx Alienation is a Condition occurring in pre-Socialist societies, where the human Nature of man is made other than; alienate what man is really capable of being? The novels the Catcher in the Rye and 1984 Present Characters who’s Inability To conform to the norms of their Society Results in their Alienation. Alienation is a feeling of not belonging. This feeling can be physical, mental, Religious, spiritual, psychological, political, socialRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye500 Words   |  2 Pagesnovel The Catcher in the Rye, the protagonist Holden Caulfield has strange behavioral tendencies. The main character, Holden, suffers from mental illness after suffering from everything he has gone through. His mental illness is triggered from depression after his brother, Allie, had passed away. Depression can be caused by many different things including a loss or death, which is what Holden goes through in â€Å"Catcher in the Rye,† a novel written by J.D Salinger. The protagonist; Holden CaulfieldRead MoreComparative Study of Death of a Salesman and The Catcher in the Rye1981 Words   |  8 Pagesindividuality and distinctiveness ultimately leads to conformity and deep feelings of failure.’ Good Morning/Afternoon, and welcome to this literary seminar at Hunters Hill High. My name is Obi Williams and I have prepared a speech on the Human Condition, its relevance in Post WW2, and how it is presented through Post WW2 literature. This time was a period of immense social transformation, as during the war, unemployment had ended and the economy had greatly expanded which meant the end of the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Strategic Marketing - 1098 Words

Strategic Marketing Lauren Hartshorn Grand Canyon University: LDR 620 October 31, 2012 Strategic Marketing A successful strategic marketing process must be thoroughly developed prior to implementation. A strategic marketing plan according to Vega Rojas (2010) is â€Å"to assign and to coordinate effectively the marketing activities and resources in order to achieve the company’s goals or strategic mission (p. 3). The strategic plan must include target goals consistent with the companys mission statement, a plan for implementation, and a process for controlling and correcting deviations. Target goals are met by identifying marketing segmentation, which is targeting a specific market for a particular service or line†¦show more content†¦Once the specific marketing tools are identified and the target audience is set the marketing department can implement the plan. Where and to whom the company message should reach is outlined in the plan. Whether though print media, television advertising, or social media, the message must remain consistent with the m ission of the company. Both long term and short-term strategies should be rolled out by utilizing a marketing timeline set for maximum effectiveness. Controlling Marketing control refers to the systematic process of regulating organization activities to meet the expectations established in the mission, plans, and targets of the strategic plan (Sliziene Vaitkenen, 2003). Companies should utilize decentralized control because people work best when they are fully committed to the organization (Daft, 2009 p. 549). Accurate information is required so corrective action can by taken for any deviations from the targets, measures and outcome. Leaders must regulate the organizations activities to ensure their plans match the set target. These targets include quality standards, which are essential for customer satisfaction and loyalty (Sliziene Vaitkenen, 2003). The realizations of marketing control require not only control, but also auditing and monitoring the competition in marketing and evaluate management processes and their possibilities (Sliziene Vaitkenen, 2003). Conclusion Developing a well thought out marketingShow MoreRelatedStrategic Marketing1052 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Strategic Marketing Process Strategic Marketing Process In order for an organization to reach its target markets, it must use the strategic marketing process to allocate its marketing mix resources. The marketing mix is elements, such as price, product, place, and promotion (also known as the 4 â€Å"P†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s) used in the make up the marketing process (Bayne Hardin, 2002). It is important for an organization to have a good understanding of the marketing mix. 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While non-profit organizations differ from profit seeking firms in several ways, non-profit organizations need to engage in marketing efforts to generate financial revenue to support their causes. All businesses need marketing plans to generate revenue and measure results. In non-profit businesses, community service target levels and education service target levels can be used to measure results. Unlike profit seeking organizations that focus on marketing solely toRead MoreScope of Strategic Marketing6518 Words   |  27 PagesChapter 1 Scope of strategic marketing Marketing is a philosophy that leads to the process by which organizations, groups and individuals obtain what they need and want by identifying value, providing it, communicating it and delivering it to others. The core concepts of marketing are customers’ needs, wants and values; products, exchange, communications and relationships. Marketing is strategically concerned with the direction and scope of the long-term activities performed by the organizationRead MoreStrategic marketing management7451 Words   |  30 PagesTesco Stores Ltd, Tesco Bank, Tesco Mobile Website : Strategic marketing management is the process of formulation, estimation and implementation of marketing strategy by an organization. Indeed a marketing strategy aimed at differentiating the business in a positive way with respect to its competition through satisfying customer needs. According to Tony proctor (Strategic Marketing, 2000) a strategy is a plan that integrates an organization’s major goals, policiesRead MoreStrategic Planning And Strategic Marketing Planning795 Words   |  4 PagesStrategic marketing planning was formally introduced in 1950s with its all reviving attributes. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Simulation Modeling Best Addition Toolkit â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Simulation Modeling Best Addition Toolkit? Answer: Introduction This report is based on the case study and the various aspects related to the outsourcing business and the operation management theories. The case study states about the BPO and its six sigma project. The BPO has the different three units in which they are dealing and those units are risk management, human resource management and the compensation consulting. It has been observed from the case study that the employee benefits outsourcing(EBO) unit is booming because of the industry trends in the outsourcing business. This report covers the application of the simulation model as well as the action plan to solve the problems faced by the BPO. The problem found in the case was related to the operations of the business processes. However, Six Sigma project was started in order to improve the health and social service delivery process and to manage all the operations of the outsourcing business. The low quality of the services is the main issue found in the case study. However, the services provided by the BPO incorporated is not meeting the expectations of the clients because of which the company is facing the losses from the last years. Jerry has given his opinion to introduce the simulation modeling to improve these health and welfare delivery processes. However, all the different factors that are compelled the company to take the action plan are analyzed as well as some of the steps are also recommended for the organization to improve the efficiency of the business(Khatri, 2009). Overview of the Case study BPO incorporation is offering the range of its services to the clients from risk management to the consultation services to the management and this BPO is already registered under a Fortune 500 professional service organization. This BPO had employed more than 50,000 employees as well as operating in the 100 countries with overall offices more than 500 across the world. There are three different divisions of the BPO which are risk management services, human resource services. The human resource division is divided into two units and they are the EBO (Employee benefits outsourcing) and EPO (Employee processing outsourcing). EBO is the fastest growing outsourcing units, but could not make profits because of the operational problem.Customer satisfaction is the main goal of the company as the company has the positive attitude to solve the problems and make a better operational plan for the company(Srinivasan, 2017). Problem identification In this case study, we have found that the vice president of the BPO, Mr. Allen J Lauren received an email from the Sam Regan, who is the CEO of the HAs company and he was the biggest client of the BPO. He mentioned in his email that he is not satisfied with the services and product provided to him as they are not according to his expectations. However, the first problem is to find an effective way to reply the Sam Regan on his mail about the operational problem of the company. The second problem, the company facing is to improve the health and welfare delivery process in the BPO. To resolve these problems and to know the six sigma project work, the Allen called a meeting with Ethan Ekans who is the Vice president of the operations and Jerry Assistant director of the company. The Allen wanted to know about the Ongoing project of the six sigma which is handled by the Jerry(Wipro, 2010). Allen was upset because of the decrease of $5 to $10 million dollars every year on the revenues of the EBO. The reason found by the Allen is the health and welfare delivery processes. The work culture of the BPO is also important factor that need to study as there are employees who are not trained and unable to handle the queries of the customers. It is very important that the employees of the BPO are fully aware about the plans like six sigma projects or the simulation projects that bring a change in the human resource departments. Six Sigma Project The BPO incorporated is using the Sig Sigma technique as the metric just to improve the quality and measuring the defects of the company. This project was handled by the Jerry and the company already completed with the define and measure phases and rest of the steps are in progress. It is also used to improve the business methodology to focus more on the customer requirements, alignment of the processes and the execution of the processes on time(Kannan, 2006). The main key concepts of the Six Sigma projects are as follows: It is a process of the number of activities that need to be performed in order to produce the product and the services for the various customers. This process is the cross functional in nature. This helps in improving the quality as per the customers requirements for the employee benefit outsourcing. The model is used to define and count the Defects in the quality. The process inconsistencies are thoroughly studied with the help of these models. The main cause of the inconsistencies is also determined and addressed. This is the process of the Six sigma projects that involves the five different steps which are focused mainly on the quality improvement. This closed-loop process eliminates unproductive steps, often focuses on new measurements, and applies technology for improvement. Define: The customer is the main focus as to identify the requirements of the customers, staff and the stakeholders(Erdem, 2007). Measure: This step is used to collect the data to measure or define the process. Analyze:This involves three main activities in order to analyze the situation. The first activity is to compare the current performance with the standards. Secondly, refine the goals of the improvement. Lastly is to segmenting the collected data in order to improve the quality of the process. Improve: Identify the available alternatives for the problem and to analyze the best possible alternative or solution for the particular problem. The implementation of the solution needs full training Control: The last step in the six sigma project is to develop the control plan by determining the process capabilities such as business growth, customer satisfaction, wait time, service time etc. After this implement the process control and close the project(Ogdoc, 2015). However, only the first two steps of the six sigma project have been completed by the Jerry and the rest of the factors need to be completed in order to improve the health and welfare delivery services. Health and Welfare Service Delivery Process The Employee benefits outsourcing group of the human resources involves the Health and delivery services which are administered by the various benefit plans of medical, dental, and survivor plans for 18 clients.EBO group of the BPO performed the admin jobs that provide help to the employees enrolling in the company. There are two levels while dealing with the client organizations. The First level is at the organizational level, where the client organizations provide the weekly database of the employees to the EBO which contains all the information about the position and the status of the employment and salary. The Second level is at the participant level, where the individual client contacted the EBO to resolve the benefit program issues through phone or mails(Barjis Pergl, 2014). But the services provided by the BPO incorporated is not meeting the expectations of the clients because of which the company is facing the losses from the last years. Jerry has given his opinion to introduce the simulation modeling to improve these health and welfare delivery processes. Compelling Analysis There are many factors that compel the BPO to take the actions and adopt the simulation theory in order to solve the problems faced by the BPO. There are many factors that compel the BPO to develop an action plan for the purpose to resolve the problems. The factors or the challenges of the BPO are as follows: Work culture: Talking about the culture of the of the , then it is a great challenge for the company, as it involves the several employees who are not trained and unable to handle the queries of the customers. Although the change in the policies of the HR, this will have a great impact on the plan implementation (Meyer Scrima, 2006). Training: No doubt, the BPO company involves a lot of time in the training of the managers and its employees. But it is necessary to resolve the quality of the services as it will then lead to the growth of the business. Cost factor: - The company is suffering from the losses in the EBO unit because they are not earning profits, because of the cost of hiring a new case manager in the organization involves the high cost. Moreover, the introduction of the new technology to improve the quality of services also adds cost to the company. Orientation of the employees: It is very important that the employees of the BPO are fully aware about the plans like six sigma projects or the simulation projects that bring a change in the human resource departments. Moreover, it is very difficult sometimes to address large number of employees working in the BPO because of which we need to build some action plans(Sharma, Pandla, Gupta, 2014). Action plan There re many models and techniques that can be used by the BPO in order to resolve the issues such as the simulation modeling application in the company. The simulation process helps to resolve the issues. The Action plan of the of the BPO uses the simulation modeling to get the successful results of the plans. The simulation involves the five phases and these five phases will be examined properly(Breyfogle, Cupello, Meadows, 2000). There are some of the points that are given below for the application of the action plan and they are as follows: Analysis of the situation or problem Propose some of the alternative solutions Creation of the plan Implementation of the plan Assess the results Simulation modeling According to the Jerrys opinion, to resolve the problems faced by the companies, it is important to introduce the simulation modeling as an action plan. The simulation methodology is the process that involves several steps to find out the under what conditions the company or any organization fails. In this action, the various steps of the simulation model are listed as below: Step 1: Problem Definition: The first step of the simulation model is the definition of the objectives by critically analyzing the different problems faced by the BPO. The problem occurs at the time of delivery processes in the BPO. As we know the problem, now the next step is to facilitate the data collection and analysis for the process mapping(Chakravorty, 2010). Step 2: Design the study: The objective of the simulation is to resolve the problems faced by the BPO in delivering the services. Now the objective is clear, so the design must be provided for the study like data collection, finalizing the model as well as the time duration of the model need to be set before implementing any plan. Step 3: Design the conceptual model: This is the important stage as it involves the process mapping. The process mapping is useful to understand the various dependent factors exists in the process and then validation of the gathered data is also important(Saxena, 2009). Step 4: Formulation of the inputs and assumptions: this involves the inputs and assumptions feed by the team in order to generate the simulation. The consideration of the assumptions is the most critical step during the simulation process. This is the stage where the accuracy and predictability of the simulation model is determined. Step 5: Build, Verify and validate the simulation model -The output generated in this simulation model is useful for the validation of the accuracy of the simulation model. It is very important that the simulation model should define the scenarios of the real world as much as it can be possible. The simulation modeling accuracy and their acceptance are highly dependent on the assumptions and the objectives. Step 6: Design of Experiments (DOE) -The most important stage is to analyze the situations by designing the different experiments. The What-if Analysis is helpful to find out the other alternatives and the different kind of situations and the implementation of this simulation model. The design of the Experiments is important to make sure that all the future scenarios are simulated or not to select the best possible scenario to solve the problems of BPO delivery services. Step 7: Document and present the model - This is also an important step that ensures the team for the long term learning from this model. Step 8: Define the model life cycle - The model should build always within the boundaries and these boundaries should be defined clearly. When the boundaries such as problem, objective and assumptions change, then the model should be developed again(Bonacorsi, 2012). Appropriate measures As in the case study there are some of the opinions or suggestions given by the Jerry and Ethan to solve the problems. The Jerry suggested that black belt training should be given in the first week of march in order to get the solution of the problem. The Jerry has the opinion that the first week of the training should include the defining and measuring phase and then they will develop the project charter. The best solution to the problem of the BPO is to train the staff as the Sam Ragan mailed that product and services provided by the BPO did not meet the expectations of the company(Emmett, 2007). Moving further, the Ethan suggested an idea of hiring the new case manager who will look after the both positions CSRs as well as BAs (Benefits Administrator). This is the great idea that is given by the Ethan to handle the issues of the CSRs and BAs. The proper training should be given to the case manager in order to handle the more issues in the call center in order to handle the escalated calls and the case manager should hire to manage the work of the two different job positions. Recommendations After analyzing the problems, the following are the recommendation on the behalf of the case study given: Recruitment and selection:According to the Ethan point of view, the company should hire the case managers for the BPO. The recruitment and selection of the employees must be done on the basis of the skills and abilities of the person. The employee should flexible, experienced, risk taker, innovative and confident as the job position is to handle risky and tough situations. Training:This is the most important recommendation to solve the problem. As to improve the health and the welfare delivery services, the training should be given to the employees of the BPO to manage and handle the situations and should focus more on the quality of the services to meet the expectations of the big clients such as CEO of the HA.The proper instructions and guidelines are given to all the employees working in the BPO for the efficient working and focus more on the productivity of the organization. Training should be given to all the employees either its new or old(Erdem, 2007). Application of the models: The models that are used by the BPO to improve the quality of services should be implemented properly. The six sigma project and the simulation models should be applied in the organization to improve the performance of the organization and all the action plans should be implemented on time to get the best results of these plans. Quality management: Quality management means to manage the quality of the services and products in order to reach the satisfaction level of the customers. BPO will earn more profits if the quality of the services provided by them will be better and managed by the top management of the organization. Conclusion This report represents the compelling analysis of the case study and the action plans to solve the problems faced by the BPO. There are two main problems faced by the BPO and the first problem is to find out an effective way to reply the Sam Regan on his mail about the operational problem of the company. The second problem, the company facing is to improve the health and welfare delivery process in the BPO. These problems can be resolved by giving proper training to the employees as well as by hiring the new case manager in order to handle these issues and focus more on the clients expectations. The simulation models and the six sigma models are also suggested, in order to solve the problems of the company. The implementation of the plans should be done efficiently and effectively in order to get the better results. It has been analyzed that the company is not making any profits because of the low quality of the delivery processes. However, training, selection of new employees and th e quality control are some of the recommendations to solve the problems. References Barjis, J., Pergl, R. (2014). Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation. Springer. Retrieved from Bonacorsi, S. (2012). A Case for Simulation. Bonacorsi Consulting, LLC. Retrieved from Breyfogle, F., Cupello, J., Meadows, B. (2000). Managing Six Sigma: A Practical Guide to Understanding, Assessing, and Implementing the Strategy That Yields Bottom-Line Success. John Wiley Sons. Retrieved from Chakravorty, S. (2010, January). Where Process-Improvement Projects Go Wrong. Retrieved from Emmett, H. (2007). Simulation and Lean Six Sigma. Retrieved from Erdem, A. (2007). Simulation modeling for call center management: A case study in private bank. Retrieved from Kannan, N. (2006, May). Leveraging Lean Six Sigma in Business Process Outsourcing. Retrieved from Khatri, V. (2009, January). Common Six Sigma Projects In Bpo. Retrieved from Meyer, L., Scrima, T. (2006). Business Process Optimization: Combining Project Management and Six Sigma Best Practices to Better Understand and Optimize Critical Business Processes. Retrieved from Ogdoc, L. (2015, May). Emerging New Economies: A Case Study of Lean Six Sigma in BPO Industry. Retrieved from Saxena. (2009). Business Process Outsourcing for Strategic Advantage. Excel Books. Retrieved from Sharma, M., Pandla, K., Gupta, P. (2014). Case study on Six Sigma at Wipro Technologies: Thrust on Quality. Retrieved from,%20Kapil%20Pandla,%20Prasanth%20Gupta.pdf Srinivasan, S. (2017). Simulation Modeling Best Addition to Analysis Toolkit. Retrieved from Wipro. (2010). Process modeling simulation. Retrieved from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Twelfth Night Analysis of Malvolio in Act three, Scene four Essay Example For Students

Twelfth Night Analysis of Malvolio in Act three, Scene four Essay Having received a letter from his baiters, chaos ensues as Malvolio effects the supposed will of his love, Olivia. The scene opens as Olivia has sent for Cesario, despite that she said she wouldnt see anymore of him, and so as she discusses the humiliating situation she has got herself into with Maria, she is feeling rather embarrassed. I have sent after him; he says hell come. She is talking about Cesario and Malvolio. Whilst Olivia is contemplating her situation Malvolio arrives, and we see him for the first time as his reformed self. This is not a good time for Olivia to deal with such a situation, but Malvolio is already into his new happy entertaining act. Does he rave? enquires Olivia, only half interested. When Maria says He does nothing but smile it just shows how unsuitable he is for Olivia to discuss with such a matter. We will write a custom essay on Twelfth Night Analysis of Malvolio in Act three, Scene four specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The sadness which Olivia continually refers to incidentally, is the sadness brought about by her unrequited love for Cesario. While trying to explain his state of mind and dress without giving the game away, Malvolio quotes the letter trying to provoke some positive recognition from his love, but this little speech only adds to Olivias view that he is out of his whits. Not black in mind, though yellow in my legs Malvolio informs his audience merrily as he is pleased with his yellow legs hoping that Olivia may admire them. Olivia then begins to lose interest and says wilt thou go to bed now treating him as ill. Malvolio takes this comment totally the wrong way, and assumes that she wants to go to bed with him, while just a simple misunderstanding, Malvolio must be thinking that things are looking up for him, and that she does love him after all. At your request (Maria)? Yes, nightingales answer daws Malvolio says when Maria asks how he is. By this he means that he is the nightingale and Maria, in whom he is uninterested, is the daw (an ugly scavenger), in other words this is a very derogatory thing to say to her, in order to shut her up. Maria responds haughtily why appear with this ridiculous boldness but Malvolio is not concerned with her scathing comments. Soon Olivia begins to lose patience, heaven restore thee! and meaning to put her straight Malvolio reminds her for whom these efforts are being spent with Remember who commanded thy yellow stockings. Where both these characters not so preoccupied with their own objectives then I think that they would quite quickly have realized that something was amiss, and the plot for mischief would have been uncovered, but cleverly everyone is very taxed by their respective anxieties; Malvolio with his odd courtship methods, and Olivia with embarrassment. Things are about to come to a head after: Malvolio: Remember who commanded thy yellow stockings Olivia: Thy yellow stockings? Malvolio: And wished to see thee cross-gartered. Olivia: Cross gartered? Malvolio: Go to, thou art made, if thou desirest to be so Olivia: Am I made? Malvolio: If not let me see thee a servant still. Olivia: Why, this is very midsummer madness But alas then a servant enters and disrupts the mental flow of things, and the farce continues. Also it is a very strange thing for Olivia to say midsummer madness as it is totally the opposite, it is after all the twelfth night! This may show how flustered she is. When she has no choice but to leave the Malvolio situation, she says to Maria let y people have special care of him. .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 , .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .postImageUrl , .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 , .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:hover , .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:visited , .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:active { border:0!important; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:active , .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074 .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ued907ee9628b4a76aeda20a3c1010074:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Night And A Farewell To Arms: Eliezer And Frederic EssayThis show her like and respect for Malvolio, and that she cares for him even in his madness, after all he has been a good servant for her for a long time. In Malvolios following speech much irony and humor on Shakespeares part are to be found. She incites me to that in the letter. By this Malvolio shows how he thinks that despite what has just been said she does love him, and that what she is doing concurs directly with the letter and of course this thinking could hardly be further from the truth. When he says I have limed her it is very ironic as he is in fact the one who has been unknowingly trapped, not her. Getting slightly subconsciously desperate perhaps, he starts to pick apart her very speech in order to support his claims that she loves him: let this fellow (friend) be looked to. Fellow not Malvolio, nor after my degree but fellow. There are no pauses in this speech; Malvolio is in a state spontaneousity, overwhelmed by his supposed luck. Nothing can come between me and the full prospect of me and the full prospect of my hopes. At this point we know that this story is going to have a very sad ending for our pompous friend, and things start to get a little less funny. Sir Toby appears as a sort of friend to take charge of the situation, suggesting that devils are at work on Malvolios mind, but his attentions are unwanted; Go off, I discard you is the response he gets from Malvolio. Malvolio clearly cant be bothered with other people, for he has far more important things to think about, such as the upcoming courting of his love, and so he tries to quickly discard his kinsmen. Maria now being listened to perhaps is very hostile, and tries get him further into trouble how hollow the fiend speaks again mentioning devilry. But Sir Toby is unchanged in his approach and replies deal gently with him which shows how he also cares for his well-being. Malvolio doesnt realize what implications these goings on can have on him, and make little objection when Fabian suggests that a urine sample be taken for diagnosis. Malvolio is a little roused when Sir Toby addresses him as a chuck, i. . a chicken. Go hang yourselves all Malvolio pompously states when he begins to feel a little outnumbered and uncomfortable. His very genius hath taken the infection of the device I think that by this Sir Toby means that Malvolios brain has been taken over with love for Olivia, and the result is madness. Now its Sir Tobys turn to be pompous as he arrogantly tries to take over Gods role: we may carry it thus, for our pleasure and his penance for a penance is invalid unless the person wants to repent. At the last word from Malvolio in this scene, he is a little disgruntled by all the talk of madness, but is still on a high from Olivias supposed affections, and so is yet far from realizing what is soon to befall him. Where he not so indignant, pompous and stubborn to Sir Toby then perhaps things wouldnt have worked out so badly for him, but then thing wouldnt have ended up so entertaining either.